Say that again?

How tongue ties can affect your speaking voice, vocal health, and even longevity.

Tongue ties (medically known as ankyloglossia) can have a significant impact on an individual's laryngeal position and, consequently, their speaking voice.

The tongue is quite obviously one of the most crucial organs in the production of speech, and when it is tethered to the floor of the mouth due to a tongue tie, that can limit the tongue’s range of motion, isolation, and resting tension levels. In addition, this restriction can result in compensatory movements in the larynx while speaking, but also while swallowing, singing, coughing, and other basic functions. In an effort to compensate for the limited tongue movement, the larynx is usually pulled upward and forward, causing it to be positioned higher in the throat than it should be during speech production. This altered laryngeal position can disrupt the precise coordination required for clear and efficient vocalization, leading to speech difficulties such as articulation problems, voice strain, and even an increased risk of vocal disorders.

Moreover, the tension created by a tongue tie can also affect the tension and flexibility of the vocal folds within the larynx. As the vocal folds are crucial to voice production, any imbalance or strain in their function can result in a hoarse or strained speaking voice. Individuals with tongue ties may find it challenging to produce certain speech sounds, leading to speech impediments or difficulty being understood by others, laryngitis, or even smaller, less obvious symptoms such as hoarseness, poor endurance of speech, nasality of tone, and more. Correcting a tongue tie through a tongue tie release procedure often INSTANTLY releases this tension and immediately improves tongue mobility, ultimately facilitating a more natural and effective laryngeal position during speech, leading to improved vocal clarity and fluency.

An instant, life-long cure? Yes, please!


Soft-palate problems?? I suspect its your TONGUE!